Christie tank/T3 tank
(List of photos at bottom of page).
Th T3 Tornado and other Christie tanks are the ancestors to the famous Soviet BT series of tanks and thus also influenced the design of the T-34. This model is the M1931 (1931 Model) and was also referred to as the T3. This tank was derived from the earlier M1928. The M1931 was two tons heavier, better armored and mounted a turret sporting a 37mm gun.
The Christie and various other vehicles are in the warehouse for storage or restoration. The US bought three of the Christie T3 tanks and the Soviets bought two. The US didn't proceed further with this design, but the Soviets did basing the BT tanks almost directly on the Christie. Take a look at the Russian T-34 tanks and you'll notice that they both have large road wheels, for instance, even though the tanks are eight-nine years apart in design.

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank/T3 tank. 092

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank/T3 tank. 093

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank/T3 tank. 095

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank/T3 tank. 096

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank/T3 tank. 097

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank/T3 tank. The narrow tracks were removable. Note a set of tracks on the floor. 098

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Christie tank 121

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet SU-100 anti-tank for comparison of chassis area.
Photos from US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Please email me for high resolution photos for publication. US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds photo portfolio by Narayan Sengupta.