Korean War - Anniversary Events

If you would like to have your Korean War Anniversary event listed here, then please send me an e-mail with the details, and I will add it to this list. You can e-mail me at newfrontiers@mindspring.com.

November 11, 2020 (Wednesday) - Smyrna, GA - Veterans Day - This Veterans Day event will focus on POWs/MIAs and the Korean War. 11 am to Noon at the Smyrna Community Center.

May 30, 2010 (Sunday) – Atlanta - The Atlanta History Center will honor veterans of WW II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and current conflicts on Sunday, May 30th, 2010 from 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM.

November 11, 2010 (Thursday) - Smyrna, GA - Veterans Day - This Veterans Day event will focus on the Korean War. 11 am to Noon. The location will be Brinkley Park, 160 Legion Drive in Smyrna. The Korean War was unleashed 60 years ago on June 25, 1950. 480,000 Americans fought there; 36,500 died there. We gather to remember all 480,000 as well as American veterans of all other wars. Their service in that conflict, the first of the Cold War, allowed South Korea to develop from a ravaged colony of Japan to an allied democracy of 48 million people in one of the most productive economies in Asia. South Korea's liberty, which they now defend fiercely themselves, was a gift from American soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Our special speaker will be Korean War veteran Ben S. Malcom who is known throughout the Armed Forces as laying the foundation for today's Special Forces Operations. Ceremonies will include a presentation of the colors, military aircraft flyovers, recognition of attending veterans, patriotic choral and military band music, and a benediction. It is free, open to the public and all are welcome. For more information, see Smyrna Veterans Day for 2010.

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