Korean War - Tributes

If you would like to have a Korean War veteran commemorated (family member or otherwise), then please send me (newfrontiers@mindspring.com) a brief bio in this format.

First Name Last Name (year born-year died) - brief paragraph about their service.

For instance:

Matthew Bunker Ridgway (March 3, 1895 – July 26, 1993) - World War II commander of the 82nd Airborne Division. During the Korean War, he was initially given command of the 8th Army upon the death of Lt. General Bulldog Walker. Became overall commander in chief of the United Nations forces during the Korean War after General Douglas MacArthur was relieved. Under his leadership, the United Nations forces stalemated the North Korean and Chinese forces. In May, 1952, he was transferred to Europe where he replaced General Dwight D. Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR).

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