Beauvais Cathedral, France
The following photos of Beauvais Cathedral are by Narayan Sengupta. All photos on this page are copyright Narayan Sengupta and may only be reproduced with his express permission. You may contact him here:

960 Beauvais Cathedral - We drove from Amiens to Beauvais. The two cities are less than an hour away. I didn't see the cathedral from the distance and first saw it when we were almost right upon it. I have never seen a cathedral like this: it only goes from the rear chapel/ambulatory area forward to the transcept. And then it ends abruptly there. And so in this photo, we can see where the nave was boarded up, so to speak, just in front of the transcept.

962 Beauvais Cathedral - Here is the view of the transcept. And again, we see that the forward portion of the cathedral (which should be to the left in the photo) is missing.

963 Beauvais Cathedral - Claude marvels at the altar.

964 Beauvais Cathedral -

965 Beauvais Cathedral -

966 Beauvais Cathedral -

967 Beauvais Cathedral -

968 Beauvais Cathedral -

969 Beauvais Cathedral -

971 Beauvais Cathedral - looking up at the intersection of the nave and the transcept. Again, the nave ends to the left.

972 Beauvais Cathedral - organ

973 Beauvais Cathedral - clock

974 Beauvais Cathedral -

975 Beauvais Cathedral -

976 Beauvais Cathedral -

977 Beauvais Cathedral -

978 Beauvais Cathedral -

979 Beauvais Cathedral -

980 Beauvais Cathedral -

981 Beauvais Cathedral -

982 Beauvais Cathedral -

985 Beauvais Cathedral -

986 Beauvais Cathedral -

987 Beauvais Cathedral -

988 Beauvais Cathedral -

989 Beauvais Cathedral -

992 Beauvais Cathedral -

993 Beauvais Cathedral -

994 Beauvais Cathedral -

996 Beauvais Cathedral -

997 Beauvais Cathedral -

998 Beauvais Cathedral -

999 Beauvais Cathedral -

000 Beauvais Cathedral -

002 Beauvais Cathedral -

004 Beauvais Cathedral -

006 Beauvais Cathedral -

010 Beauvais Cathedral -

011 Beauvais Cathedral -

021 Beauvais Cathedral -

023 Beauvais Cathedral -

026 Beauvais Cathedral -

027 Beauvais Cathedral -

032 Beauvais Cathedral -

035 Beauvais Cathedral -

036 Beauvais Cathedral -