There is the question of spelling the city’s name: Bruge? Brugges? Brugge? Zelondorf? Turns out that all are correct and pronounced the same way. Except the last one, which I might have made up.
Today is blue skies and beautiful. Today we’re off to Brugges by train. At Brussels Midi train station, we buy a 2nd class ten trip rail pass for 83 Euros. 1st class would have been 123. Any point to point in Belgium costs one trip which we write down on our ticket. Trains to Brugges, sixty miles northwest of here, run about three per hour. We hop the 9:26 am commuter train, and are in Brugges at 10:45. No one ever checks our tickets.
Brugges and Amsterdam both boast to be the Venice of the north. Both are interlaced with and defined by their canals. Both have been important centers of commerce, have beautiful well-preserved old architecture, beautiful grand plazas, throngs of tourists and more. Thus both have valid claims.
A key difference between Brugges and Venice (other than the name, country, language, climate, location, etc.) is that local bridges lack stairs, so they can be biked and driven across. Brugges has cars, but not too many. Venice has none except in one part of town near the station/Piazza de Roma area.
Brugges is shaped like a misshapen oval and has been for centuries. Think of it as a Dali-clock. The clock bezel is a canal or several of them. The station is at 7:00 pm. The town center is, naturally, in the center of the clock…
Brugges joined the Hanseatic League, which competed strongly against the American League in baseball.
Brugge's population is 117,000 though it’s many times that during tourist season. It’s a World Heritage UNESCO site. Its name comes from the old Dutch for bridge or bridgehead and the town dates to about 850 AD. The city chartered officially three hundred years later and started formalizing the canals and bridges.
We decided to take a boat ride and met three lovely boisterous Peruvian women seemingly with the endless laughter, enthusiasm and selfie taking capacity of batchelorettes…
We wandered back toward the main square (Markt) stopping first at the De Burg square. The streets were now flooded with a small tidal wave of tourists. Astonishing.