Travel 101 
French History : World War I and World War II
Visiting Normandy Battlefields
Omaha Beach & Arromanches
D-Day: Utah Beach
D-Day Map/Normandy Map
D-Day: Pegasus Bridge
D-Day: Longues-Sur-Mer Gun Battery
D-Day: Gold Juno Sword
D-Day: Caen, Museum of Peace
D-Day: Battlefields of France
D-Day: La Merville Gun Battery
Val d'Europe - France's top mall
French History Driving Tours
WWI: Chateau Thierry
Reims Photo Portfolio
Thibault Villa near Paris
Paris Photo Portfolio 1
Paris Photo Portfolio 2
Paris on a Tight Budget
The stunning Basillica of St. Denis
Paris Fortresses and Fortifications

D-Day 66th Anniversary - Gold, Juno and Sword Beaches. There was a tremendous amount of action here, of course, but I haven't had time to write up my narrative yet.



Left: Monument to French Commandos.

Right: I thought these were some kind of dragon's teeth. Turns out they are chairs for the summer tourists.


Left: A bunker built into a beach-road building.

Right: The same bunker from the rear.


Left: Monument.

Right: Churchill Tank


Left: Churchill Tank - detail of front of turret.

Right: Churchill Tank - detail of front facia.


Left: Cathedral of Caen - where William the Conquerer is buried.

Right: Monument to Charles de Gaulle, where he first came ashore.


Left: Douvres La Delivrande German Radar station. This is radar station also has a musueum, the first in the world devoted to radars. You can call the museum at 33-2-31-06-06-45 for more information.

Right: German Radar station.


Left: Churchill AVRE Tank - the crew was killed in action.

Right: Croix de Lorraine - symbol of Free France and de Gaulle.


Left: Beach pill box at the town of Graye-sur-Mer.

Right: Beach pill box - interior. It was once armed with a 75mm gun.


Left: Beach pill box.

Right: The beach today - windswept, quiet and poignant.

French History : World War I and World War II
Visiting Normandy Battlefields
Omaha Beach & Arromanches
D-Day: Utah Beach
D-Day Map/Normandy Map
D-Day: Pegasus Bridge
D-Day: Longues-Sur-Mer Gun Battery
D-Day: Gold Juno Sword
D-Day: Caen, Museum of Peace
D-Day: Battlefields of France
D-Day: La Merville Gun Battery
Val d'Europe - France's top mall
French History Driving Tours
WWI: Chateau Thierry
Reims Photo Portfolio
Thibault Villa near Paris
Paris Photo Portfolio 1
Paris Photo Portfolio 2
Paris on a Tight Budget
The stunning Basillica of St. Denis
Paris Fortresses and Fortifications

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