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    File Author Summary
    PG2: Waffenkammer 4.02+Andreas Seidel Tweaked by Narayan Sengupta. Some expiration dates fixed. Added BB Massachusetts, B1-ter, ARL-44. Made German transports more expensive to reflect historical scarcity. Tweaked several units, such as making Grant tank have a lower HA value. Made several French units a bit more interesting. IS-3 improved compared to IS-2 and the price was changed too, preventing free upgrades. Made French forts Maginot Line forts and changed some values. Made Greek fortification Metaxas Line forts and changed some values to reflect 37mm AA, for example. Added Mountain movement to certain Alpine units. Air speed recalibrated so that movements are from 15 to 41 instead of 15 to 19. (See table below.) Visibility increased for selected heavy bombers. Most bombers can't make air attacks (unless they are fighter bombers). Changed visibility of biplanes and older elevated wing aircraft to 1. Changed the following units to a new unit. Changed visibility of long range fighters to 3 (internal fuel range 1000+ miles or drop tanks 1150+ miles). Some units (Il-2 to Il-10) that were nearly identical have been further differentiated per historic specs. Decreased ammo for air units based on their range (used max range w/o drop tanks unless low volume aircraft or couldn't find the non-drop tank range). Increased prices for air units by 10% to 20% if they had their ammo increased b/c of range. All 76mm or 25 pound or smaller towed guns have organic movement of 1. Recalibrated naval attack and naval AA values based on mathematical formulas. Renamed some units so that they would sort better alphabetically. e.g. Me-109 stays the same, but P-40 becomes Curtis P-40.
    PG2 Quotes "I have played through the campaign several times and I have enjoyed each one. Your research certainly shows and makes the campaign even more realistic. Again, Great Job and continue to make these superb campaigns." Larry Jenkins
    PG2: Screaming Eagles & Shattered Steel, 2.5Narayan Sengupta, Joel Illian, Steve Brown 1939-1946. This is an extension of SSI's original PG II CRUSADE IN THE WEST American Campaign. At its core are the six scenarios of the original campaign. To that I core, I have been adding more and more scenarios as time has permitted. For v.2.0 of this campaign, I have had the great pleasure of collaborating with my good friend Joel Illian. For 2.5, our good friend Steve Brown has contributed another take on one of my favorite scenarios, "Reds in Dessau". After a few training scenarios in Georgia and Alaska against British, French and Japanese forces starting in 1939 before the real shooting war gets under way, you get to command your own units against the Germans, the Vichy French, the Soviets, Italians and the Japanese until 1946. You'll be dealing with a variety of new equipment. You'll fight on land, on sea, and in the air. You'll start out with green troops, light units and no aircraft in 1939. Your best units will be lowly GMC M-3 anti-tank units and garden variety artillery. But by the time you have finished, you'll have a vaunted force of experienced veterans who have shown the other great armies of the world how to fight. At your disposal, if you have enough prestige, will be some of the best equipment in the world including, powerful 8 inch guns which could fire 32 km (20 miles), and fleets of bombers that have the enemy abandoning their hardware on sight, and much more. But your enemy will have some interesting equipment as well even when they don't necessarily have a preponderance in numbers. You will have to build a well-balanced core force to succeed. Just because you don't need AA in one scenario doesn't mean that you won't need it in the next. You may not do well the first time, but that is what will have you playing this over and over.
    PG2: American Expeditionary Force Campaign, v. 1.0Narayan Sengupta 1939-1946. You will take over the American Expeditionary Force. After a few training scenarios in Georgia and Alaska against British and Japanese forces, you get to command your own and Soviet units on the East Front against the Germans from 1941 to 1945. And if you do well enough, then you might end up fighting the Germans as well as the Italians and the French and the British and Americans(!) for several more scenarios in 1946 while you see if you can become the master over almost all of Europe.
    PG2: Russian Revenge Campaign v. 2.0Narayan Sengupta 1937-1946. In the Russian Revenge Campaign for Panzer General II, you get to command Soviet units from the Spanish Civil War to Khalkin Gol against Japan, to the Russo-Finish War of 1939-40. After that, you fight the Germans from 1941 to 1945. And if you do well enough, then you might end up fighting the Germans as well as the Italians and the French and the British and Americans for several more scenarios in 1946 while you see if you can become the master over almost all of Europe. You'll be dealing with a variety of new equipment. You'll start out with BT-5s, light artillery and no aircraft in 1937. By the time you have finished, you may have several IS-3s, T-44s, Tu-2s, P-63s, artillery that can shoot seven hexes, and much more.

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