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People's General FAQs

by Mark Kirby, Michel Helmic, Jens Cielsak, Robert McKee and Narayan Sengupta

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This is a collection of FAQs that have been asked or answered in JP's People's General Forum or have been asked and answered off-line. These questions are related to technical aspects of the game (installation, performance, research, etc.), as opposed to Campaign or Scenario Design (for which there is other documentation available on the home page or in the links above). I have used the original pen-names instead of getting real names since it was easier to do so. If you would like to have your real name used, then please let me know...

The Forum

Q: Where can I post ideas and questions?

A: Please post some messages, questions, etc., in the People's General forum. If you haven't already done so, then please join the People's General forum. The link is

PG2 vs. PEG

Q: How do these games differ?

A: In People's General (basically advanced PG2), you can also get leaders for capturing towns, etc. And there are also about double to number of leader types. Plus you can buy attachments.... . Oh, and you can buy experienced units with one or two bars of experience. You can change screen resolutions so that you aren't always playing in 640 x 480 like in PG2. Land movement, etc., is organic. There are also the air missions, such as Wild Weasels and air transports. There are many other things too that I can't think of at the moment.

The downloaded game won't run

Q: I downloaded the peoples general game and unziped to a folder on my desktop. But when I click on peoples.exe the screen goes blank and returns to the folder I unziped to? please help!

A: Please make sure you extract the game using the instructions included rather than simply dragging and dropping all of the files to a folder. That's critical since it sets up the proper folders and so on. Also read the O_Readme_Install_Instructions.txt file and the readme.txt file which are both included in the download. The readme.txt (by SSI) file has a lot of troubleshooting hints.

Windows XP Fix

Q: How do I make Windows 95/98 games run on Windows XP?

A: I would try the compatibility wizard. Go to Start>Programs>Accessories>Program Compatibility Wizard. Then follow the prompts. I have not tried this myself since I am not running any games on XP, but my local computer shop tells me that that's all there is to it. Also feel free to post any further questions on this subject here:


Windows XP Mouse Problems

Q: I recently installed People's General on a new Compaq computer running Windows XP. After playing around with the "Compatability" settings I have it running okay except for a anomaly involving the mouse. When I used the mouse to target an enemy unit for attack, the "sight" (pointer) doesn't want to move easily into the target hex and, when I do get it in, it wants to slip back off the target. I wonder if anyone has run across this problem or has any ideas to correct it. - Jim
A: Try lowering the hardware acceleration. Control pannel/display/settings/advanced button /troubleshooting tab. - Mark Kirby

Windows 2000 Fix

Q: How do I make Windows 95/98 games run on Windows 2000?

A: Go to for more information. With Service Pack 2 installed Microsoft have added a more convenient to use application compatibility mode. Although this isn't enabled by default. To enable the use of this feature click on Start then Run. Type in the following command - regsvr32 %systemroot%\apppatch\slayerui.dll & hit Enter. Click Ok when prompted that this succeeded.

To use this feature you must have a Shortcut to launch the particular Application/Game (Obviously you shouldn't use this feature unless you have problems with the Application/Game). Right click on this shortcut & select Properties. Select the Compatibility tab.

Tick the Run in compatibility mode setting & select an Operating System from the drop-down menu (Preferably your choice will be of whatever the programs native Operating System is, e.g. if you are trying to use an NT4 program then select the Windows NT4 SP5 Compatibility Layer option first). Select Ok after you have made your selection.

People can get service pack 2 from... here.

Make sure to let people know that after they edit their short cut the only way the fix will work is if they always use the short cut to run the game, also the CD must be in the tray. - Robert McKee

Campaign List of the Standard SSI Campaigns

  • New World Order: Vietnam tries to conquer South-East Asia.
  • Western Mini-Campaign 11 Scen.: USA and United Nations attempt to halt China
  • Western Campaign: 18 scen.: USA vs. China
  • Western Mini-Campaign: 6 scen: USA vs. China
  • Western Mini-Campaign: 11 scen: USA vs. China
  • Railroaded: U.N. forces attack Russian rebels and their Chinese allies
  • Korea Revisited: American forces and United Nations attempt to halt China
  • Eastern Mini-Campaign: 12 scen.: China vs. everyone else
  • Eastern Mini-Campaign: 6 scen.: China vs. everyone else
  • Eastern Campaign: 18 scen.: China puts into effect Plan Red
  • PEG: WW2

    Q: How do I install PEG: WW2?

    A: First you should download and install the PeG:WW2 package from The Wargamer Read the readme and doc files contained in this package for complete instructions on how to install it.

    Download all 6 packages from PG2: WWII Conversion by Mark Kirby

    Next install these packages in the following order.

  • 1 "PG2: WWII Expansion Pack" (MK_PeG_WW2_Update.ZIP)
  • 2."Upgrade to PG2 Graphics" (MK_UpgradeS16sToPG2.ZIP)
  • 3. "PG2 & PeG Map Migration 3.0" (MK_PG2ToPeGMapConverter_v3.ZIP)
  • If you wish to play the SS campaign, go to and download the soundup and datup packages.

    Use these to update your PG2 panzer2.dat and sfx folder contents.

    Then install the following 3 items

  • 1 "Graphics upgrade" (MK_PG2DatupShpToS16ConversionKit.ZIP)
  • 2 "Sound Upgrade" (MK_PG2SoundupConversionKit.ZIP)
  • 3."SS Campaign v 2.0" (MK_SS_Campaign.ZIP)
  • Free Air Missions

    Q: Why can I change the air superiority rating in the HQ screen before the start of the scenario with spending any prestige?

    A: This is a bug that we have finally figured out how to fix in user designed scenarios. However, this may not have been fixed in the scenario that you are playing. [NOTE: This has been fixed in 5 Star Equipment File 2.2 and better.]

    Playing without the CD

    Q: What happens if I play without the CD?

    A: If you have an empty cine file, no movies will be played. If you have no cine file and no CD, no movies will be played. The worst problem you will have is the game will pause at the point it wants to play the movie until it times out (no more than a few seconds on my machine) and moves on. It should not crash the game. - Mark Kirby

    How can I get People's General?

    Q: How can I get People's General?

    A: You can buy it from the PEG Downloads page of this website. You can also buy the great new expansion pack as well.

    Modification Plans for People's General

    Q: What changes are you trying to make to People's General?


  • Allow all 20 countries to be placed independently. DONE.
  • Allow more than 20 countries in the e-file.
  • Add more new icons. DONE.
  • The years that the game spans (2001 to 2020 could be changed to 1215 to 2040?),
  • Get fighters to provide support fire for adjacent aircraft units that are attacked by other aircraft
  • Get combat support units to be able to rearm helicopter units.
  • Implement expiration dates for units.
  • Add more custom maps, scenarios, campaigns, utilities. DONE.


    Q: How does one get the free Taiwan scenario from SSI?

    A: It is on the CD. You can copy it to your Scenarios folder; make sure that you make all of the files not "read-only". - Narayan

    Equipment File Modifications

    Q: How can I create an .eqp file like your Eqp97.eqp?

    A: It used to be that it wasn't easy, though as of this writing, Luis Guzman's editor has made it much easier than ever before. What may be easier is that you send me your suggestions for inclusion into the e-file. I am very receptive to ideas and try to incorporate them where I feel that most users will benefit. - Narayan

    New Icons

    Q: Which new icons do you need?

    A: How about a great MiG-29, Strike Fighter, and F/A-18?

    Naming Icons

    Q: Do I have to rename images made with PeGUtil?

    A: Yes. When you edit a *.s16 file, the program saves this as a *.s17 file in the same folder. So you need to delete the s16 file and rename the s17 file to s16 in order to view it and insert it into the dat file. - Narayan

    Do any of you work for SSI?

    Q: Do you work for SSI?

    A: No, I don't work for SSI. Nor does anyone else here, as far as I know. Steve Strayer has helped design Pacific General. But I have been really enjoying these games for about four or five years now!

    Patches and Updates

    Q: Do I need a patch or just the latest E-file? - Andy Gouk

    A: There is no patch for PeG. 1.0 is as far as SSI got even though the PeG web site (when it existed) had a list of known bugs that would be addressed in the 1.1 patch. - Mark Kirby

    Electronic Version of Game Manual

    Q: Has anybody the People's General manual in electronic form? - Jens Cielsak

    A: I don't know of one, but you should read the "readme.txt" file which should be in the People's General directory. Other than that, it's basically just a variation of PG2 with some more options. Also please read Mark Kirby's great strategy guide which is on our web site. - Narayan

    A: I do have the manual in printed form, but there's nothing in there you can't live without. The only "new" element compared to PGII are some of the new leader abilities. - Michel Helmic

    Video Problem

    Q: I'm running Windows 98 and always run the 800x600 setting and the high color 16 bit. I'm using directx 8.0 and ran the dxdiag with no problems. The game ran fine while playing it was just on exiting that I had problems. The graphics card is an intel 810 chipset. - Triaxe

    A: I'd experiment with any 3D settings for your video card, assuming you have them (i.e., disable direct draw). I'd also experiement with different versions of drivers for your video card. When the game first came out I had a Matrox Millenium in my system and I had some problems with the pop up text. I minimized the problem by changing to an earlier version of the driver for that card. So I'd check the vendors site and see if therre are any other versions available. As far as dealing with your problem while you experiement, does your graphics get reset to the proper non-PeG settings when you reboot? If not, reboot in safe mode (press F8 during the boot). Once booted, go into the graphic settings window and reselect the proper settings for your video card, monitor, dpi, color depth, etc. - Mark Kirby

    Research Information

    Q: What are the best web sites to use to research icons, units, and everything else.

    A: Please go here: - Narayan Sengupta

    Text Not Displaying

    Q: No unit names or scenario names etc. are displayed in the game. Instead of them i have strange arrows. - Thomas Klutch and others

    A: It sounds like your game is using one of the fonts that make funny shapes (Wingdings or something like that). A few things to check. How many fonts do you have in your font folder? If over 300, this has been known to cause problems. Look through your fonts to see if you can find the one being used by PeG, then delete it. - Mark Kirby

    The font freehandsym.fon has only 5 symbols in it (arrows and one point). This and other such fonts are the first possible culprits.

    Running the game on Win2000

    Q: Do you know anyone playing PG on Win2000? Is there a patch or something?

    A: I'm working with PeG on w2k. Works very good... As I know the problems you listed are connected with the drivers of the graphic card. Try to download as many as possible, test them. Although they're the latest ones nobody says they'll be the proper ones. Perhaps older will be better. If it won't help, try to experiment with other graphic card. - Robert Nowakowski

    My Maps Aren't Showing Up

    Q: I can start the game, but if I start a scenario or a campaign, I can only see units on black background with no map. The map simply doesnīt show up - and I canīt move the units.

    A: Copy the maps to the hard drive. Copy the map folder from the CD to the PeG folder and set all files to not be read only. - Mark Kirby

    A: The maps aren't being recognized for some reason. This happens sometimes if a map installation has gone wrong or doesn't exist where expected. If it is while you are constructing a scenario that this happens, then try using another map (just to see if the game will load it). If that is the case, then probably the map name or something else is wrong for the map you are trying to use. Also note that there may be a 200 map limit in the MAP folder before the game crashes. I don't think that anyone has come close to setting up 200 maps yet, but just in case... - Narayan Sengupta


    Q: Does anyone know a way to add more than just two attachments to units? How about modifying the current attachments? Or adding additional ones? - Colonel Kraken

    A: The game limits you to two attachments. The only way to alter this would be to hack the exe. - Mark Kirby

    Voice Over Briefings

    Q: Was an audible file ever made for the [scenario or campaign] briefings? If so, where could I download such a file? - Agent of Fortune

    A: There were no voice overs for the breifings, don't know why. - Mark Kirby

    Map Size

    Q: Can I make 1920*1920 Maps like for PGII or do the maps have to be smaller? I ask because all PeG SSI Maps are max. 37*25 (or something in that way) hexes, unlike the PG: 42*37. - Jens Cieslak

    A: I'm not sure. You could always try making a blank map (without any graphics) as a prototype first and see how big you can get it. - Narayan Sengupta

    A: I would think the size limits for PG2 would apply to PeG. After all, the same *.map files are used and the only difference in the graphic elements are that PG2 uses *.shp and PeG uses *.s16. - Mark Kirby

    A: I just converted all SSI Maps to the PeG Format. PeG has no Problems in handle 42*37. At least the Nordwind Map was displayed correctly! - Jens Cieslak

    Map Scale

    Q: What scale do the PeG maps use? Is each Hex a kilometer? - Avatar

    A: The scale varies from map to map (hence Singapore is as big as Taiwan, etc. which it clearly isn't in real life). This makes using a proper and consistent scale for unit size impossible, and thus messes up the opportunity to use a truly historical OOB, etc. - Narayan Sengupta

    Unit Scale

    Q: What scale do the PeG units use? Is each unit a division or what?

    A: Please see Map Scale, above. - Narayan Sengupta


    Q: What bite is the move sound and fire sound? - Pat420

    A: You add 1000 for the move sound, 2000 for the attack sounds and 3000 for the death sounds... See for more information... This means we can have up to 99 (possibly 100 didn't try 00) sounds available for PeG. - Mark Kirby

    Naval Units with PEG 2.0

    Q: How does one get the naval units?

    A: The naval units are in the respective naval classes, but you can't buy them as core units... but designers can add them to the scenarios so that you can play with them (or they can add them as core units for you).

    PBEM with PEG 2.0

    Q: Can I play PBEM with PEG v.2.0?

    A: You can certainly play PEG 2.0 PBEM as long as you both have the same equipment file.

    I Can't Hear the New Sounds

    Q: I Can't Hear the New Sounds!

    A: Please make sure that you have installed them in the WAV folder. - Narayan

    The Game Runs Slowly

    Q: I have been running PeG on my laptop. Everything related to graphics performance appears to be fine (movement, deployment, etc.). But when it comes to combat, it takes about a second or more for a piece to rotate 180 degrees, and each shot or counterbattery fire or return fire takes at least a second each. So a typical encounter lasts four or five seconds and is very long. - Narayan

    A: 1. Graphics issues. There are at three things to try to solve any graphics problems that may occur.

    All of these are adjusted somehwhere in the display settings window.

    A. Adjust the Graphics hardware acceleration. This is normally found as one of the windows/tabs on the display/settings function. Adjusting this can solve many problems that occur. Be aware adjusting this will effect all windows operations so do it in steps.

    B. Adjust the color depth. PeG runs in 16 bit color depth. If you run aa different value your system has to change when launching the game. This can make the system cranky depending on your hardware and settings. If you change to 16 bit color depth before you start the game its one less thing the game has to do.

    C. Adjust the resolution. PeG runs at 800 x 600 (800 x 600 dpi and 16 bit colors). As with color depth, if your system has to change to run the game it can get cranky. Turn off all unnecessary programs to free up RAM.

    I run it on a P166 MMX and it runs fine.

    2. Fonts.

    One of the known issues with the game is it can use the "wrong" font if you have too many fonts installed on your computer. 300 is the magic number supposedly, however, I've seen the problem with less than that. If you can't read the text due to the font the game is using, delete the offending font. Look at one of the first 5 fonts since it seems to select one of these if it gets confused.

    3. Text overlay bugs.

    A series of bugs that occurred whrn the game was first released have to do with the text box that is overlayed on the screen. This is the info text that pops up when you put your cursor over something.

    The bugs were normmaly limited to specific graphic card/driver combinations.

    I have heard of two basic bug types.

    In the first, the box that the text appears is not transparent. It will be a solid color and block what is behind the box. The text may or may not be visible.

    In the second, text is never errased from the box. So everytime you get a text box it overlays the new text ontop of all the text that has ever been displayed. Needless to say this can make reading the text difficult.

    If you have one of these problems, you can alter it by changing you graphic drivers. Newer is not necessarily better. I had this problem with a Matrox Millenium card and found I could minimize the effect by using an old driver. The new driver made the problem worse. - Mark Kirby

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