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by Philip Nelson

Hmmm.... which unit should I use now?

In this article we will have a look at the orders available to units regardless of class or promotion level. There are five as usual, and they are Dismount, Rally, Entrench, Refit, and Resupply.

The Dismount order will set up any towed unit. Since those units are automatically packed into their transports when moved, there is no mount command. This order can be issued multiple times, though it cannot be taken back.

The Rally order removes all suppression from a unit. Since suppression sustained in an attack lasts the entire turn, this order can be very useful. Tanks tend to benefit the most. They can often attack under defensive support fire without sustaining much damage, and Rally can eliminate the suppression penalty. This order can be used multiple times, though it cannot be taken back.

The Entrench order will dig in a unit another level. If a unit moves, all its entrenchment is lost. However, a unit can move and then entrench. Note that if a unit is left with two unused actions at the end of a turn, it will automatically entrench if this order has not been used, and if the unit is not already at its maximum entrenchment level. (The first free action is always used for reserve fire.) This order can be given only once a turn, and cannot be rescinded.

The Refit order will repair a unit as long as it is not adjacent to an enemy unit. Airplanes are exempt from that rule, and do not affect ground units. However, they cannot refit on an airfield to which an enemy ground unit is adjacent. This order will always completely repair a unit's movement and firing attributes. However, it will repair a unit to full strength once; every refit after the first can only return that unit's strength to its prior strength minus one. Since refitting a unit also resupplies the unit, it can be wise to refit a unit when it needs to be resupplied. Note that if you want to refit a unit, it must be the only action you take with it that turn. Any movement or combat will remove this order's availability; not even recons are exempt. This order cannot be taken back once given.

The Resupply order replenishes a unit's ammunition supply as long as it is not adjacent to an enemy unit. Once again, airplanes are exempt from that rule, and do not affect ground units. However, they cannot refit on an airfield to which an enemy ground unit is adjacent. Since this order can be used at any time, it is often wise to use all ammunition prior to resupplying, since that can save an action or two over the course of a scenario. Note that infantry will never run out of ammunition unless they start a scenario with less than normal amounts, though that can only affect auxiliary units or units in stand-alone scenarios. This order can only be used once per turn.

Philip Nelson

Panzer General!
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