NATO: The Cold War Campaign for Strategic Command
This is the Soviets, Warsaw Pact and some minor allies on the offensive attacking NATO. The computer is Warsaw Pact. These screenshots are from my Cold War campaign and graphics upgrade for Strategic Command. Note that the game engine limits the USSR fighting the Western Allies, so Germany has been turned into the USSR for all practical purposes. These small screenshots are followed by their larger-counterparts below.
Start of campaign
Start of Campaign... The Soviets/Warsaw Pact have already finished their first turn, and overrun Berlin.
Three months into the campaign, things don't look all that great.
Massive naval battle off of Scapa Flow.
Four months later in Europe...
10 months into the war. At least the front is relatively stable.
13 months into the war.
Almost three years have passed since the war started. The front has finally started showing weakness - from the Warsaw Pact side.
Yet another year has passed at this point. Still not too much movement.
Two more months...
Five years into the conflict...
Another three months later... Moscow has fallen to the NATO Forces. Civil War breaks out with Russian forces are starting to show up on the map, in arms against their Soviet brothers.
The last vestiges of the once mighty Warsaw Pact forces are hemmed into Finland. The end is here.
Narayan Sengupta
April 24, 2003

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Website: Atlanta SEO