This is a collection of FAQs that have been asked or answered in JP's PGIII Forum or have been asked and answered off-line. I have used the original pen-names instead of getting real names since it was easier to do so. If you would like to have your real name used, then please let me know...
Launching problem
I have just bought PG3: scorched earth v1.1. I belive it was properly installed, though I have reinstalled just to make sure. The problem is that when I try to launch the game, only an error - message is displayed. It tells me to insert the CD, which is already inserted. Do any of you know what to do? - Torjus Gaaren
I have had that problem with PG3-SE myself, and it has always been due to the operating system not recognizing the CD-ROM drive at all when the computer is first started. To find out if that's the problem, check the 'My Computer' folder and see if it knows the PG3-SE CD is in the drive. If it can't find it, the solution is simply to reboot the machine. However, I have had problems with another game not liking the drive letter address of a CD-ROM drive, and thus failing to find it. The address was 'G' or something like that because of numerous partitions. - Philip Nelson

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