French military history
French military history
French military history
French military history

French military history
Napoleonic Wars
French Revolution - War of the 3rd Coalition

This list includes the War of the 3rd Coalition. Most of this page is from "Napoleon as Military Commander" by James Marshall-Cornwall.

Special Significance
Location (Modern Location)
War of the 3rd Coalition - Egyptian Campaign
French military victory
1805 AD
October 8, 1805 - France vs. Austria
Murat beats Austrians.
Wertingen, ? (Germany)
French military victory
1805 AD
October 14, 1805 - France vs. Austria
Ney beats Austrians.
Elchingen, ? (Germany)
French military victory
1805 AD
October 20, 1805 - France vs. Austria
Mack surrenders to Napoleon after a four week campaign of maneouvers without any major battles being fought.
Ulm, Bavaria (Germany)
French military loss
1805 AD
October 21, 1805 - France, Spain vs. Great Britain
Just one day after the surrender at Ulm, Nelson wins one of the greatest victories ever at sea.
Trafalagar (off coast of Spain)
French military draw
1805 AD
October 28-31, 1805 - France vs. Austria
Massena and Archduke Charles fight inconclusive battle. Austrians withdraw.
Caldiero, (Italy)
French military victory
1805 AD
December 2, 1805 - France vs. Austria
Napoleon wins a great battle just outside of Vienna.
Austerlitz, Austria
French military victory
1806 AD
July 18, 1806 - France vs. Neapolitans
Massena defeats Neapolitans to capture captures Gaeta.
Gaeta, (Italy)
French military victory
1806 AD
October 14, 1806 - France vs. Prussia
Napoleon manages victory at Jena.
Jena, Saxony (Germany)
French military victory
1806 AD
October 14, 1806 - France vs. Prussia
Davout has great victory Auerstadt on same day as Napoleon's victory at Jena.
Auerstadt, Saxony (Germany)
French military victory
1806 AD
October 28, 1806 - France vs. Prussia
Murat accepts surrender of Prince Hohenlohe.
Prenzlau, Prussia (Germany)
French military victory
1806 AD
November 7, 1806 - France vs. Prussia
Blucher surrenders to Bernadotte and Soult.
Lubeck, ? (Germany)
French military victory
1806 AD
November 8, 1806 - France vs. Prussia
Kleist surrenders Magdeburg to Ney. The French have sliced through and thoroughly defeated the Prussians. Prussians will return the favor in 1870.
Magdeburg, Prussia (Germany)
French military victory
1806 AD
December 26, 1806 - France vs. Russia
Napoleon wins against Russians north of Warsaw.
Pultusk, Prussia (?) (Poland)
French military draw
1807 AD
February 7, 1807 - France vs. Russia
Napoleon draws against the Russians.
Eylau, Prussia (Poland)
French military victory
1807 AD
May 24, 1807 - France vs. Russia
French capture Danzig.
Danzig, Prussia (Poland)
French military victory
1807 AD
June 14, 1807 - France vs. Russia
French win at Friedland.
Friedland, Prussia (Poland)
French military victory
1807 AD
November 30, 1807 - France vs. Portugal
General Junot captures Lisbon.
Lisbon, Portugal
French military victory
1808 AD
July 14, 1808 - France vs. Spain
Bessiers defeats Spanish at Medina de Rioseco.
Medina de Rioseco, Spain
French military loss
1808 AD
July 20, 1808 - France vs. Spain
French lose to Spaniards.
Bailen, Spain
French military loss
1808 AD
August 17, 1808 - France vs. Great Britain
French lose to Wellesley, future Duke of Wellington.
Rolica, Spain
French military loss
1808 AD
August 21, 1808 - France vs. Great Britain
French lose to Wellesley, future Duke of Wellington.
Vimeiro, ?
French military victory
1808 AD
November 23, 1808 - France vs. Spain
Napoleon defeats Spanish.
Tudela, Spain
French military loss
1808 AD
December 21, 1808 - France vs. Great Britain
French led by Soult lose to Moore.
Sahagun, ?
French military victory
1809 AD
January 16, 1809 - France vs. Great Britain
French defeat and kill Moore. British evacuate by sea.
Corunna, Spain
French military loss
1809 AD
February 24, 1809 - France vs. Great Britain
British capture Martinique.
French military victory
1809 AD
March 29, 1809 - France vs. Great Britain
French led by Soult captures Oporto.
Oporto, Portugal
French military victory
1809 AD
April 20-23, 1809 - France vs. Austria
French led by Napoleon defeat the Austrians over four smaller battles - Abensburg, Landshut, Eckmuhl and Ratisbonne.
Eckmuhl (Eggmuhl), Bavaria (Germany)
French military loss
1809 AD
May 12, 1809 - France vs. Great Britain
British defeat Soult to free Oporto.
Oporto, Portugal
French military loss
1809 AD
May 20-23, 1809 - France vs. Austria
French led by Napoleon defeat the Austrians at Aspern-Essling outside of Vienna.
Aspern-Essling, Austria
French military victory
1809 AD
June 14, 1809 - France vs. Austria
Austrian Archduke John defeated during retreat from Italy.
Rabb, Austria
French military victory
1809 AD
July 5-6, 1809 - France vs. Austria
Napoleon overturns recent loss at Aspern-Essling at Wagram, also not far from Vienna.
Wagram, Austria
French military loss
1809 AD
July 27-28, 1809 - France vs. Great Britain
British win yet another one in Spain.
Talavera, Spain
French military victory
1810 AD
July 9, 1810 - France vs. Austria
Massena defeats British.
Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
French military loss
1811 AD
May 16, 1811 - France vs. Great Britain
British win yet another one in Spain.
Badajoz, Spain

French Military Victories - Victories and Losses

There are several pages in this section. Please read all of them and let me know what you think.

  1. French military History - Thesis by Narayan Sengupta
  2. French military history - Caesar to Charlemagne to Hugh Capet by Narayan Sengupta
  3. French military history - Crusades to Hundred Years War by Narayan Sengupta
  4. French military history - European Wars by Narayan Sengupta
  5. French military history - American Revolution by Narayan Sengupta
  6. French military history - Napoleonic Wars - French Revolution to War of 1st Coalition by Narayan Sengupta
  7. Napoleonic Wars - War of 2nd Coalition by Narayan Sengupta
  8. Napoleonic Wars - War of 3rd Coalition by Narayan Sengupta
  9. French military history - Napoleonic Wars - 6th and 7th Coalition by Narayan Sengupta
  10. French military history - Franco-Prussian War, WWI, WWII by Narayan Sengupta
  11. French military raids by Narayan Sengupta
  12. French military History References

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