German Sturmgeschutz SPG
German Sturmgeschutz SPG
German Sturmgeschutz SPG
German Sturmgeschutz SPG

German Sturmgeschutz SPG

(List of photos at bottom of page).

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. German Sturmgeschutz SPG 536

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. German Sturmgeschutz SPG 537

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. German Sturmgeschutz SPG 538

Photos from US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds

Photos of Tanks at the US Army Ordnance Museum


American tanks and vehicles

British tanks

Japanese tanks


Guns and Ammunition

Russian/Soviet tanks

German tanks and vehicles

French tanks and SPGs

Italian tanks and SPGs

Please email me for high resolution photos for publication. US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds photo portfolio by Narayan Sengupta.

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