machine guns
(List of photos at bottom of page).
The tank park outside is the star of the show, but there is quite a wealth of firepower inside as well. I'm not into guns as much per se, but this is the best collection I have seen thus far. Aberdeen Proving Grounds seems to have just about every time of small arm used by major combatants over the past 100 or so years. So there are weapons from the US, UK, Sweden, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and on and on.

View of interior of Aberdeen Proving Grounds museum. The tank in the center is an M5. Last time I was here the Renault 35 was inside instead. 279

Nordenfelt machine gun. 278

1904 Vickers machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 280

7mm 1902 Maxim gun made in Germany, 1909-1910 at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 281

7.92mm Model 08 Maxim German WWI machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 282

7.92mm Model 08 Maxim German WWI machine gun at machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 283

machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 284

8mm French Model 1916 machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 285

7.7 Model 01 Hotchkiss Type Japanese 1939-1940 machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 286

(Center) 1935-1939 French 13.2 Hotchkiss machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 287

(Center) .30 caliber Colt Type US 1917 machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 1912 Austrian Schwarlose 7.92 machine gun produced 1935-1939. 288

6.5 mm US 1914 Colt machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 289

.30 or .50 Browning US 1940 machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 290

.50 Browning US 1940 aircraft machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 291

machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 292

.30 caliber M1919A6 US Browning machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 293

7.5mm Light French machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 294

6.5mm Model 96 Japanese light World War II machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 295

(Top) 7.5mm anti tank Madsen Danish machine gun made from 1930 to 1939. (Center) Danish 8mm 1903/24 machine gun from 1930. Displayed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 296

7.92mm German Dreyse WWII machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 297

7.62mm US M60 machine gun (1960-1969) at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 298

machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 299

machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 300

7.92mm MG 81 German WWII machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 301

Russian FG 42 copy (1946-1950) machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 302

Russian WWII 7.62mm Model 1943 Goryunov machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 303

Russian WWII 7.62mm Degtyayev light machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 304

Russian WWII 7.62mm DT tank machine gun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. 305
Photos from US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Please email me for high resolution photos for publication. US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds photo portfolio by Narayan Sengupta.