Kubelwagen - VW Type 82
(List of photos at bottom of page).
The prototype of this vehicle was known as the Type 62, but in production, it became the Type 82.

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Kubelwagen - VW Type 82 101

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Kubelwagen - VW Type 82 103

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Kubelwagen - VW Type 82 104

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Kubelwagen - VW Type 82 105

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Kubelwagen - VW Type 82 106

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Kubelwagen - VW Type 82 107
Photos from US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Please email me for high resolution photos for publication. US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds photo portfolio by Narayan Sengupta.