Soviet T34 tank
(List of photos at bottom of page).
The T-34 is the classic Soviet tank of World War II. Not a perfect tank, but arguably the best overall balance of mobility, firepower, ease of maintenance and ease of production. Also note the Christie Tank/T3 tank, the not too distant ancestor of the T-34.

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 364

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 160

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 129

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 131

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 132

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 133

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 135

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 136

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 137

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34 tank 138

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet T34/85 - same hull, but with a larger 3-man turret and a larger 85mm gun.

Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Soviet SU-100 anti-tank based on the T34.
Photos from US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Please email me for high resolution photos for publication. US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds photo portfolio by Narayan Sengupta.