French FT-17 tank.
(List of photos at bottom of page).
This French FT-17 tank is undergoing restoration. Note the turret on the floor.

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 186

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 187. Note German WWII Hetzer undergoing restoration in the background.

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 188. Note the unusual Marine insignia.

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 189. Engine compartment. Notice absence of tail skid.

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 190. Engine detail.

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 191. Turret detail from back with view through the gun mount.

Renault FT-17/Renault M-1917 tank, FT-17 radiator assembly. 196. Note the tank itself in the background.
Photos from US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Please email me for high resolution photos for publication. US Army Ordnance Museum/Aberdeen Proving Grounds photo portfolio by Narayan Sengupta.